Wordless Wednesday

Oh yes I’m back to cooking, something which I really-really enjoy doing :-). Cooking was one of those few activities that I really missed during pregnancy, oh god I just couldn’t stand the smell of many food items then. Speak of pregnancy food aversion syndrome and my brutally shattered dream of ‘hogging-on-chocolates-till-I-die’ :-(.
But even though I’m back, it’s mainly low calorie or baked/grilled stuff on my cooking menu these days (sigh the post pregnancy weight šŸ™ ). This wordless wednesday consists of snapshots of food out of my oven last week. Ok, I know Nutella Swiss Roll does not qualify to be low calorie from any angle but if I just took half a bite then it would be, right? Gawd, I can’t believe my sincerity! I baked something with Nutella and still took just a bite, good gal I’m, ain’t it :-)?