I Wear Your Shirt: Social media using Tshirt

Damn! Can it be really this simple to make thousands of dollars by wearing a t-shirt? Yes, if only one could have been as innovative as Jason Sadler. Jason started a unique social media drive known as “I Wear Your Shirt” this year. In this campaign, he is wearing one shirt from one company per day and will be posting his image on YouTube, Twitter, Ustream etc. and at one go the brands would have a poster cum social media campaign through Jason. Interesting, but more interesting is his pricing strategy which varies upon the day of the calendar. For the 1st day of year, he would be charging $1 and for the last day $365. Ustream.tv gave him 1 dollar to wear its shirt on 1st Jan & on Jan 29th he was paid 29 dollars to wear Zappos.com shirt. And this is no joke, his 2009 calendar is already sold out and this means that he has made $66,795 this year by just wearing these shirts. To add to that he charges extra for contests & deals etc.

His idea has been so successful that he has extended it for another year and that too with twice the earlier price, as quoted on his website:

I’ve had so much fun wearing shirts this year that I’m going to keep wearing them in 2010, but with a twist2 guys in your shirt, 2 time zones, 2x the exposure and January 1 starts at $2! Reserve your day now on the 2010 calendar and meet the person who will also be wearing your shirt next year.


As I’m writing this post, his 2010 calendar is already sold out up till May’10! Now this definitely speaks for the popularity of the idea clearly! I don’t remember any media property in recent times being booked so well in advance by any brand. And the way in just one year there are already takers for this property with double exposure at double rates, I’m wondering if Jason will soon make this a full-fledged promotion company where he will have promoters across the globe working for him as walking-talking media properties and he can offer clients customized exposure at customized rates! How about Jason or likes of Jason doing this in India? Well, I think this idea is expandable & undoubtedly one of the most innovative utilization of social media to promote a brand.


  1. Anuj Rathi

    This guy is really famous, and have even been featured on techcrunch a couple of times. Even though a lot of copycats have been faking his idea for some time, no one comes close to Jason.

  2. Toon India

    wow..that’s really cool!!

  3. Stu

    There’s a few people out there doing this but what I like most about Jason’s approach is the pricing model, the $1 dollar a day increasing to $365 as the year progresses is genius. $66,795 a year just for wearing bunch of t-shirts sounds good to me!

  4. Cassandra Ford

    Jason has a very simple, yet financially productive idea! “Jason, count this as a blessing from God” I have a few ideas to help you, “not that you need it” that I cannot mention right now, but you can contact me, and I will let you know through mt e-mail.

  5. SheWearsYourTee.com

    Inspired by the guys at iwearyourshirt.com….but with a hot New York fashion model. shewearsyourtee.com

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