Common yet rare!

Yesterday evening had a chance to return early from work and that too during daylight. While nearing the lift I noticed lots of happy kids playing and running around. Well, to be honest I had no idea that there are so many kids in my apartment and even kids of today’s generation go out and play games like hide & seek in playgrounds! From their chirpiness and conversations it looked like they were playing hide & seek itself with few of them hidden in the basement car parking area. When I reached my floor, just outside the lift saw these two young girls of neighborhood family clapping hands and playing Miss Mary, Mac, Mac, Mac (something on the lines of the hindi one “aam churi, chappan churi”… remember 🙂 ?). That game and the way they were playing immediately brought a smile on my face :-). Oh, so kids do play such games till now, though with bit variation but the core fun aspect looked the same.
As soon as I entered my home, something made me decide to go for a walk in the evening itself. I generally go down for my walk at night once I’m back from office or maybe after dinner. Since I go out in dark, mostly I end up walking in the pavement area circling my apartment where there is ample lighting instead of walking in the green area where there is only dim lighting. And once I went down in the daylight, I was surprised to see the place abuzz with so much of activity there. Garden was indeed very beautiful with lush green grass, swings for kids, beautiful seating arrangements within patches of greens and a lovely fountain. Yes, I had heard many times from my neighbor that the garden in our apartment is quite nice and fresh but only that day I realized how lovely it was. Also made me think that I had never come down to this area in the evenings, in fact the only time I remember checking this place was when we were moving in and had gone down to check out the facilities. Those days, that area was under construction and hence not so well maintained. I do go down to the common facility areas on weekends but mostly it’s to use the swimming pool or occasionally the gym but never ever to this beautiful place full of natural beauty, fresh air and bloom all around. And I have been staying in this apartment for like 2.5 years now!!!

Spotted this empty bench and decided to sit on it for a while before starting the walk and the whole surrounding made me so nostalgic. There were women gossiping, kids playing, old aunties sitting on grass in circles and old uncles discussing something while taking their walks; reminded me of park evenings which we used to have during our childhood days. It was actually quite lively and nice, lost in my thoughts with my ipod plugged in my ears I never realized when more than an hour slipped by. Even music seemed to be more melodious with serenity and greenery all around. Only when the phone buzzed, I actually noticed the time and realized that it’s already dark now. And guess what, I was so lost in my thoughts and engrossed in silently observing people that not even once I felt the need to update my Facebook or Twitter stream in that one hour. If it would have been just another free moment at my home or those waiting hours while on commute, I’m sure I would have been glued on to any digital screen refreshing my timeline or reading something interesting on internet.
Relaxed and refreshed, while I pressed the lift button to go back I only wondered why I didn’t come there earlier? Why we generally tend to ignore such common activities, which actually can give us some very special moments? Some pleasures are just so near to us but we are too busy to even notice it. Some things are just so simple, yet they give you such unique satisfaction. Reminds me of this quote by Paulo Coelho which I had liked so much while reading The Alchemist – “It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary”.
Note to self: I must go back to this place and spend some “me time” whenever I can, after all I used to enjoy doing this so much during my school and college days :-)…oh those lovely evenings in hostel when I used to spend hours reading my favorite books on garden benches…


  1. Scribby

    agree to all what you've and work load has bogged us down so much so that we don't even have time to turn to our left and look out of the balcony to the greens which are just at our footsteps…and then we say we need a break midst the busy scheds we are running into and book our tickets to expensive lush green place on the hills or snow covered tops for the glimpse of sun rays or to experience solitude,sigh!

    only if we would switch off sometimes from the busy-ness and just take a walk around shall we meet solitude and nature,at no price to pay,literally!

  2. Sumana

    LOL so true. We fail to see that serene surrounding but visit costly resorts sometimes. Now i have made it a point to reach home as early and take kids down so that they get to play and i get to sit,chat or gossip. Just that me time with no schedule but complete relaxation.

  3. Life Unordinary

    Love the graphics on your header!

  4. Abhishek

    I don't know what to say. There are so many things going on in my mind right now after reading this post….


    I promise so many things to myself and then all the promises are forgotten!

  5. Jack


    DER AAYE, DURUST AAYE. It is so true that we tend to miss out on small things which contribute hugely to our peace and happiness. Children still have same games with little variations may be and it is fun to be with them. Do this more often.

    Take care

  6. tellmeyourdreams

    have missed out on so many blogs of yrs and my page is crying for a new entry! loved the lawn and bench pic..i also live with the same house has a garden which i never ever enter!

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