100th Post on Medium

Today I complete my 100th post on Medium! Yay!

This is beyond the 600+ posts that I have on my personal blog since 2003. My first post on Medium was 5 years back in 2015, and that means I have averaged around 1.6 posts per month there.

Is this sufficient to get noticed on Medium considering the volume of content that gets published on Medium now? I know it’s NOT. But it’s still a win for me, my own small personal win. To be able to dedicate some time to write despite all other madness in life.

Writing consistently requires effort, and that too a lot of it. 

To add to that, just writing is not enough these days. A whole lot of work needs to be done for content distribution and reach too. 

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Restart Writing: How to generate content ideas

In case you’re expecting this post to be about tools, well, there will be some mentions below. But before we move to tools, let’s discuss the power of “I” in generating content ideas.

It’s wonderful to know that the last post resonated with many of you. The most common response that I received was – realization is there but how to restart? Sometimes the mind is too blank or blocked to think about a topic or, where to start from?

I don’t have any formula for this but I am happy to share what works for me when I get stuck with ideas and thoughts. I simply start with “I” on my notepad.

While I am using the word “simply” but trust me this “I” is very powerful when it comes to my writing process.

This “I” leads to myriads of thoughts and opens up the opportunity to multiple trails.

I think
I read
I watched
I traveled
I observed
I felt
I …

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Getting back to writing? These ‘R’s help me always

In writing, habit seems to be the much stronger force than either willpower or inspiration. 

– John Steinbeck

Last month I didn’t write anything, not even a single blog post here or on my personal site. Partly because I was very busy on the work front and partly because I slipped off my daily writing routine. I write first thing in the morning before my family wakes up. Of late, lots of late-night work calls and general randomness in life during this whole work-from-home and school-from-home phase have been making it difficult to wake up early. 

But if I look closely, the key reason to not write would be – not sticking to my schedule.

Following a writing-schedule requires self-discipline and that too a lot of it.

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Bawra Mann

Bawra Mann Dekhne Chala Ek Sapna
Bawre Se Mann Ke Dekho Bawri Hai Baatein
I can listen to this song in loop forever and still not get bored of it. I am so much in love with it. Beautiful words sung so beautifully by Swanand Kirkire and something that I totally relate to.
The current phase of my lifeis…ummm let’s just simply say – confusing. I don’t know of anything that lies ahead. Planning anyways has never worked for me, but this phase is uncertain beyond comprehension.
I try to seek answers or tame my wandering mind but all in vain. After multiple such trials, I have decided to give up and let the mind wander wherever it wants. After all human minds are supposed to be wanderers, dreamers, crazy and bawra :).
Where is my mind wandering right now? I don’t know 🙂
What does my wandering mind want to do? I don’t know 🙂
Can I express the random musings of my wandering mind in words? I don’t know 🙂
For now, I only know that it’s in a restless state, trying to seek answers and figuring out what next.
For now, I only know that it has random musings and abstract expressions.
Shall I try to give some shape to those expressions? I don’t know 🙂
When it comes to expressing, ever since my childhood, I have found a notebook-pen or canvas-brush to be an easier tool of expression than anything else.
Considering the same, “Bawra Mann” is just another random beginning to capture the randomness of a wandering mind either textually or visually.
But it’s been 15+ years that I have been blogging, then why a facebook page now? I don’t know 🙂
How long will I continue it? I don’t know 🙂
For now, all I know is – Bawra Mann Dekhne Chala Ek Sapna 🙂
To be updated on Baawri Baatein of a Bawra Mann, please like my facebook page here.
Speaking of my fascination for visuals and my current state of life where I am all vella lying on bed for months now (why? read it here), I am quite liking instagram and pinterest. I have been using both these apps for long now but its only recently that I have become actively engaged at both these places. In case anything beautiful attracts your eyes too, connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest @kanupriyasindhu

Hello World!

Hello World! I think it’s an apt title for a post that appears on this space after a gap of almost an year. Sigh! Writing is one love that I don’t want to give up on but somehow have been badly struggling to get back to. Not that I haven’t yearned or tried to get back to my blogs, in fact the number of times I have tried to write a post but have not been able to complete… (another sigh), innumerable! Though I could manage to write couple of posts on medium but then after initial few, a long block again. Blame it on my super crazy schedule now, a demanding child, demanding job and hundreds of other demands in this or that aspect of life. I at times wonder if I will ever get some quiet moments for myself.
I also wonder if it would be a better idea to get back to a diary instead of word docs or online drafts. The moment you get connected to a digital system, it’s simply mind numbing. The number of tabs opened on your laptop or the number of notifications that are beeping on your phone – I at times wonder do I really need so many information about anyone, everyone, anything and everything. Many a times I also take a conscious effort to turn off internet and start writing few words but then damn the real life distractions that are unavoidable now.
But I definitely want to get back to writing again and this time I am trying really hard. Have also thought of adopting some suggestions by others to find some me-time. I really, really need to, if not for anything else but for my own peace of mind and for a better me. Let’s see if I am able to and if I can, I will surely get back to you with my feedback on what worked for me. Until then if you have any suggestions for me, do drop me a note in comment section below.  (Ha ha, high hopes of getting comments when not even sure if anyone of you still come here 🙂)

Look forward to more conversation and interaction with you once again!