I had written earlier about BigB blogging on www.bigadda.com and initially I had read some of his posts as well but then in due course of time I stopped visiting his blog. But today I dropped into his blog again mainly because of some noise in media about his recent posts and oh the look and feel has changed completely from what it used to be during its initial days but nevertheless this new look is quite impressive! And the first quote by Harivansh Rai Bachchan is as always soooo good! But what caught my attention was the fact the current post is of day 151 and almost everyday there is atleast one post posted on that blog. Wow, this is really regular and good! As I said in my earlier post if it is BigB genuinely writing these posts then it is praiseworthy. Even if he is narrating and some content writer from BigAdda is writing it on his behalf then too I think its commendable, though because of so much of personal touch I am forced to think that its BigB who is writing all these posts. What caught my next attention was the post of day 140 which mentions the traffic of his blog since April’08, here is a snapshot of some of the important figures available on his blog:
Unique visitors since April08 – 1,05,0,520
Unique visitor for Sept 08 – 37,509
Average number of visits per day – 16,000 +
Total number of visits since April08 – 2,37,0,000
Total page views since April – 1,14,00,000
Average page views per day – 100,000
For once I think Bigadda has not hyped up this figure much. Considering the number of comments which any post is receiving on this blog (on an average each post receives somewhere between 700-1000 comments), I am sure 16000+ daily visitors is sort of a real figure. And 11.4 million pageviews is a very striking figure considering its hardly a six month old blog. Not many websites also achieve this kind of figures in such a short span. Good for Bigadda, atleast they have one differentiator now which can bring more traffic to their website. Otherwise there was hardly anything on their website (apart from those “lets catch up” ads on which they wasted few crores to get some one time visitors, LOL ) which can make anyone visit their site again. With a 16,000+ daily visitor count, I am sure BigB’s blog is contributing to a major % of their daily traffic. Infact recently bigadda has changed their UI, considering the % contribution and the fact that this is Bigadda’s only strong point, I am wondering if apart from UI, Bigadda should have gone for a re-branding exercise as well and change it to BigBadda
Overall very remarkable statistics considering its just a blog, but afterall its BigB’s blog!
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Chance pe Dance marketing: Bhajji blog at BigAdda « Marketing Chit-Chat
[…] to see if the interactivity level & statistics of this cricket icon’s blog will surpass the figures of bollywood shehenshah or not […]
K V Raman
26th September, 2009
Respected Amitji:
I am disturbed despite of our relationship since 1986 when I had been handling your fanmails and writing about you in various newspapers, you have not been making any comments on it. May I please request you to please respond. Thanks
K V Raman
Amit tiwari
Hi i am one of the best fans of yours.
Dr. kewal thassu
Dear Amit ji,
I am a great fan of yours since the days of saat hindustani and Bombay to goa.My father and children are also your great admirors.God bless you .My wife and children went to see you at minal residensy at bhopal but could not meet you but at least could see you from a distance.
The reason of my writing to you is that since many years I wanted to give a suggestion.You have acted in many films and enacted many roles but I am sure you want to do a role of your life time.You are a student of English literature and must have read Alaxander Duma’s “Les Miserables ” ,IF NOT PLEASE READ IT AND THEN I AM SURE YOU WILL SAY THAT YES THIS IS IT,WHY NO BODY SUGGESTED IT TO ME BEFORE?Please read it at least once,its story has been oft repeated and some films have also been made on it,but read the original book yourself and then decide.
yours k.k.thassu